Friday, September 4, 2009 ♥
Happy... ♥ 3:14 AM
yesterday went out to eat with zhi hao, zheng yao, vincent and jovia. i wanted to eat pasta mania but then most of them wanted to eat yoshinoya so we switch target. I went to order salmon set. yummy! yummy! Then after eating finish, me, vincent, zhang yao was like still hungry so i went to buy subway cookies. Then zheng yao and vincent went to buy meat ball and fish fillet(fried!). hahas. After that we went to Popular cox that ugly jovia want to buy soemthing from there lorhhhx. hahas.
Then on the way we kept tickling each other. I beat Zheng Yao up cox he say i'm his dog! damn it!Nvm. Act with him. Then after that Zheng yao and Zhi hao went back home left vincent, jovia and me. We sat on chairs and sang songs. My voice damn nice. hahas.
Today post
Went to sch per normal. Gt scolded by teachers per normal. Cry per normal. I complained to jovia and wei hong. They saw me cry. My face damn black today. Dun wan to tell u what happen. Wan u can asked me. Eat japanese resturant with jovia. the eggy rice and then ate ice cream and drank yakult at jovia hse. Hahas. Jovia hse like my hse like tt. hahas. Her hse hav many yummy food, next tym must go! hahas. Then sang kty songs. Jovia voicedamn nan ting lorhhx. Joking. end of post.
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